Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 91

Gosh, it has been a while since i have posted!!!! I have been so busy with school and working with Dreamer that it has been hard to keep up with this!!! I have been working a lot on my finale lately and doing little trail patterns. When Dreamer and i work on my finale i feel like she has fun with it and it just makes me soooooo happy(: We had a showmanship show this weekend and i got sixth. Dreamer was very fidgety and nervous, but she overcame some fears at the show this weekend and i was proud of her!!(:

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Dreamer and I have been working EXTREMELY hard on our finale!!! She loves playing with the tarp and jumping(: She is also a very cute jumper(: We got to take the yearlings off property yesterday where they were exposed to all sorts of different horses. I got to practice my routine in front of people and found out i have some work to do with Dreamer(; Dreamer was very nervous meeting new horses, but we worked through it.

Dreamer was saying hi to my other horse(:

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Thursday ~ Wednesday

It's very hard to train a mustang and keep up with my blog!(: Dreamer is doing a lot better with  the pedestal, she usually just puts her two front feet on and pus her back feet on, but she likes her back feet to be on when her front feet aren't. Today she put three feet on! We have also been working on my finale, we picked out a song and she has done pretty good with the parts of my routine that i have gone over with her.(: Dreamer is an awesome jumper and i.m defiantly jumping her in my finale.
Lilly and Dreamer are best friends and they love the tarp(:

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Sunday ~ Wednesday

Sunday Dreamer had the day of, which she deserved! On Monday, we worked a lot on liberty, we can walk and trot through a weave, and she will sort of do sideways, but we are still working on that. She will trot over a little jump with me, she is so cute when she jumps. On Tuesday we worked on more liberty, trailer loading, getting a fly mask on Dreamer, and lying down. I'm working on her lying down with a cue, she is still figuring it out, but we are making progress. Today she is getting the day off since it's the Fourth of July!!!!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Wednesday ~ Saturday

Dreamer and i have both made a lot of progress!! We have been to the creek twice and the first time we were there we spent about 2 hours there! We got down to the creek she seemed nervous. She slowly made her way down and put her nose on the water and then snorted. I then lead her forward and she jumped over the creek! Then after that she didn't want anything to do with creek. After numerous trys we got her back over the creek. We have also wrokred a lot on liberty. She will walk, trot, and canter with me!! We have worked on showmanship too, we have worked on pivoting, trotting, cantering, and stopping. She doesn't really like to canter with me on line, but we are still working on it. Dreamer is doing so well and i'm very proud of her!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


A lot has happened!! We have worked on lying down, cantering in the round pen, putting a bare back pad on, girthing, and trailer loading. She doesnt lie down she just kneels on her front two legs with her butt in the air. She canters going to the left and does a couple strides going to the right. Dreamer did AWESOME with the bare back pad i was amazed at how well she did with it!!! I'm so proud of Dreamer!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Sunday - Wednesday

Sunday, Dreamer got a day off!!!! She really needed one! Monday camp started so i worked with her we worked on rollbacks, moving the front end, and we also went over a very small jump!!(: I'm so proud of Dreamer and how far she has gotten. Tuesday i gave her a bath and she just loved it!!!!(:
Today i had a round penning session with Betsy. We worked on catching game and circle game at the canter. She doesn't like to go to the right so we just worked on her going to the right at a trot!(:

Saturday, June 9, 2012

May 28th - Saturady

Well, a lot has happened, we can go in and out of the trailer, pick up all 4 feet, get rinsed off with the hose, move the front end, and today we had our first show with her!! Dreamer is hilarious! If she gets bored she will pick up one of her front feet and stick it straight out and then cross it over the other foot.(:

Getting ready for the show(:

She did good!(;

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Today i worked on circle game and Dreamer being more confident with me touching her hind legs! She will put two feet on the pedastool and she will let me pick up her front two feet!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

May 20- May 27

It's been a while since i have written! A lot has happened in a week! I mainly work with Dreamer now, so what i have worked with her is: we can do circle game, one foot on the pedestal, she plays with the tarp, she jumps over the barrels and i can pick both of her front feet up! When i work with Dante i usually work on having him stay out of my personnel space and we can sorta do circle game, but he is still kinda confused on what to do! (: I have learned a lot doing this so far and I'm sure i will learn a lot more.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Today we just pretty much reviewed everything we did yesterday. The new thing we did today was we got them used to spray bottles. Soon we will be able to use fly spray on the yearlings! They did very well with the spray bottles!!!!


On Friday we went up to the big arena and that was an adventure for us! Dreamer is very curious, she likes to check things out. Once we were in the big arena she was unconfident and wanted to be with Dante. We worked on yielding the hind quarters, moving the front end, porcupine game, and circling game. All of the games went pretty well. We had a little trouble with circle game, she would send but she didn't connect to keep moving forward, so we taught that in two different stages. After our lesson we another adventure to the water trough. She was very nervous when we were walking into the feed pen, but after she was in there for a little while she wasn't as nervous. She didn't drink out of the trough but she did touch it. Friday was a very successful day!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 6 training

Today I worked on- moving the front end, moving the hind end, we played lots of friendly game today, and I groomed both of the horses. With Dante he got more confident with me being closer to his hind end, and Dreamer got more confident with me rubbing her legs. They are both very smart when they figure out what you are asking them.

             Me and Dante

Sunday, May 13, 2012

1st Contact Dreamer

This is Saturday afternoon May 12th when my mom started working with Dreamer!